Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Raja Ampat


Raja Ampat is a fraction Sorong, since 2003. District has a population of 31 thousand souls has 610 islands (only 35 islands are inhabited) with a total area of about 46,000 km2, but only 6,000 km2 of land, 40,000 km2 in the sea. The islands are unspoiled and the sea is still beautiful to make direct tourists hooked.

The archipelago is a place that has the potential to serve as a tourist attraction, especially diving tourism. Raja Ampat Islands waters according to various sources, is one of the 10 best waters for diving sites around the world. In fact, it may also be recognized as number one for the completeness of underwater flora and fauna at this time.

Dr. John Veron, coral experienced experts from Australia, for example, in a site it is revealed, the Raja Ampat Islands located in the westernmost tip of New Guinea, about 50 miles northwest of Sorong, has the best reef areas in Indonesia. Approximately 450 species of coral had been identified during the two weeks of research in the area.

A team of experts from Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy, and National Oceanographic Institutions (Lon) Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) have done a quick assessment in 2001 and 2002. As a result, they noted in these waters there are more than 540 species of hard corals (75% of the total species in the world), more than 1,000 species of reef fish, 700 types of mollusks, and the highest record for gonodactyloid stomatopod crustaceans. This makes 75% species of the world's coral species in Raja Ampat. None of the places with the same area has a number of coral species as much as this.
1,606 species of reef fish in the Bird’s Head Seascape
1,397 species of reef fish in Raja Ampat
35 species of endemic reef fish found only in the Birds Head Seascape
603 species of hard coral recorded in the Bird’s Head Seascape10 times the number of hard coral species found in the entire Caribbean
57 species of Mantis Shrimp in the Birds Head Seascape
13 species of Marine Mammals in the Bird’s Head Seascape
5 species of endangered sea turtles in the Bird’s Head Seascape
Incredible !

There are several areas of coral reefs that are still very good condition with the percentage of live coral cover to 90%, namely in the Dampier Strait (the strait between P. Waigeo and P. Batanta), Kofiau Islands, Islands and South East Misool Wayag Islands. Types of coral reefs in Raja Ampat is generally fringing reef with gentle slope to steep contour. But it was also found atoll type and type of burns or taka. In some places like the village Saondarek, when the lowest tides, coral reefs can be seen without a dive and with his own adaptation, the corals can still be alive despite being in the open air and direct sunlight.

Unique species that can occur during diving is some kind of dwarf sea horses, wobbegong, manta rays and fish. There are also four endemic fish king, namely Eviota king, which is a kind of fish gobbie. At Manta Point which is located in Dampier strait Arborek, you can dive in the company of some tail Manta Ray is benign like when you dive in Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan. If you dive at Cape Kri or Chicken Reef, you can be surrounded by thousands of fish. Sometimes a collection of tuna, giant trevallies and snappers. But those tense when we are surrounded by a collection of barracuda fish, although in fact it's relatively harmless (which is dangerous if we see barracuda solitary or alone). Reef sharks are also frequently seen, and if lucky you can also see the turtle is still eating sponge or swim around you. In some places like in Salawati, Batanta and Waigeo also seen dugong or sea cow.

Because the area of many islands and narrow straits, so most of the dive at a particular time has a strong current. It allows also to perform drift dive, dive, following a strong flow of water is very clear as he broke through a collection of fish.

The World Bank in collaboration with global environmental institutions establish Raja Ampat as one region in East Indonesia, which received assistance Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (Coremap) II, since 2005. In Raja Ampat, this program covers 17 villages and involve the local population. Fishermen are also trained to cultivate fish, grouper and sea grass. Especially for you who are not interested in diving activities, the blue expanse of ocean that refract the beauty of the sky, a sprinkling of white sand that radiate like a pearl sheen, can be enjoyed. In addition, there are group of islands with a fascinating and unique flora and fauna such as red paradise, paradise Wilson, maleo Waigeo, various parrots and parrot, possum Waigeo, as well as various types of orchids. Diving on the island of Papua Mansuar is one of the leading resorts in this region. Foreign tourists diving enthusiasts at home for days in a month even enjoy the beauty of Raja Ampat's there and stay in Papua Diving.

Each year the resort is visited at least 600 special tourist who spent an average of two weeks. Lodging is very simple that only a walled and roofed woven palm leaves that cost at least 75 euros, or Rp 900,000 a night. If you want to dive must pay 30 euros, or approximately USD 360,000 once a dive at one particular location. Most tourists come from Europe. Only a few tourists from Indonesia to stay and dive in there. Kri Island, Waigeo, and Misool also prepare the resort for visitors. On the island there Misool Eco Resort is built by applying the principles of strict nature conservation. There are agreements with indigenous populations around the region to maintain an integrated ecosystem-called "No Take Zone" which prohibits any taking of marine exploitation, ranging from hunting shells, turtle eggs, shark's fin to just fishing. In the extreme, even in eco resort prohibits the use of antiseptics as waste exhaust feared would kill the coral reef ecosystem in the vicinity.

Some resorts are relatively expensive to set prices for presenting a complete facility. Travelers with limited costs can also take advantage of government-owned resorts are much cheaper in the area Waisai, the capital of Raja Ampat. You have to fly first to Airport Domne Eduard Osok, Sorong, Papua, and then directly to the location by speed boat with a capacity of about 10 people at a rate of Rp 3.2 million each way. It takes about 3-4 hours to reach the area of Raja Ampat Islands in particular to Mansuar. To get around the island you want, we can hire a speedboat capacity of 10 persons with a price of USD 3-5 million per 8 hours, depending on the intelligence we offer. We can also take a package tour by visiting the village to see typical local plants and animals such as birds of Paradise.

To enter the area of Raja Ampat, each person must pay an entrance fee of Rp 250 thousand for domestic tourists, and Rp 500 thousand for tourists from abroad. A round pin that serves as this identity we will receive, after paying the fee. Uniquely, the pin is valid for one year, from 1 January to 31 December. So if in one year that we go back and forth to visit Raja Ampat, only need to pay an entrance fee only once. Of course, the pins were not allowed to be lost and should we wear as identification.

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Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Home Sweet Home

Yupz.. Sesuai dengan judul nya, kali ini aku bakal kasih liat tempat tinggal aku. Hohoho

Dirumah ini, aku memelihara Hamster, Ikan, Burung, Ayam, Domba, kelinci, marmut, ular.
Sebenernya sih yang memelihara hewan hewan itu bukan aku, tapi orang tua aku. Kalau aku sih melihara Hamster n Kelinci nya aja.
Selain hewan, orang tua aku juga suka memelihara tumbuhan, mulai dari pohon jeruk, sawo, mangga, rambutan, jambu biji, anggrek, glmbng cnta dan lain lain yg aku gak hapal namanya


Burung  dan Ayam


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Jumat, 11 Februari 2011


Horee. Tadi bisa pulang cepat karena kelas 9 hari senin mau Pra UN 1, kelas 8 siap siap untuk Study Tour, dan kelas 7 libur Belajar dirumah, dan juga orang tua kelas 9 di minta hadir ke skul untuk rapat masalah standar kelulusan.

Waktu terasa cepet banget, prasaan baru kemarin kemarin masuk kelas 9 sekarang udah mau UN lagi. Gak kerasa bentar lagi aku bakal ninggalin sekolah ini, hohoho (kalau lulus sih.)
Pokonya aku pasti bisa. Amin :)
Tapi aku belum tau mau nerusin kemana ya. . . Bingung (O.o)

Ngomong ngomong soal Study Tour kelas 8, jadi inget tahun lalu. haha
Seru banget! Kenangan yang gak bisa dilupakan pokonya mah.
Udah dulu ya.. Sekian hari ini
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